We made it to church last night. It was a refreshing time. Our pastor is working on a series in 1st and 2nd Peter. After church we took Jaclyn and the boys to Fiesta Texas like we promised. We had fun, but I still don't have feeling in my nose or cheeks:) It was rather cold and we had not dressed warm enough, at least I didn't feel dressed warm enough. Matthew and Zach rode on almost all of the Wiggle Town rides. They got to meet Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. Jaclyn and I decided to try our luck on the Scream. I had ridden it several years ago, I quickly remembered why it is called the Scream. After we got off of the ride, we asked ourselves what we had felt we needed to prove-couldn't think of a thing between the two of us. It was nice to spend time as a family though. We did have hot coco in an effort to warm up, but most of our bodies were still cold. As we were leaving the park, Zach became upset over the fact that we had not stopped and bought him a "light saver" otherwise known as a light saber. He proceeded to cry for about 20 minutes. Kevin was feeling frustrated at this point. I reminded him that this was a boy without a nap. Both of the boys feel asleep about 5 minutes from home-good and bad. Good they had stopped crying, bad they would wake up and cry again.
Matthew woke up peaceful and went sleepily into the house, Zach woke up screaming that his neck hurt. I carried him into our bed and laid him down. He kicked his shoes off and pulled our covers over his head. I retrieved some children's Tylenol and rubbed his neck until he was calm. Matthew had gotten into his pajamas and had been kind enough to bring Zach some. I changed him and he slid back under the covers. Jaclyn tried to get him to go upstairs with her and go to bed without any luck. "NO! I stay in mom's room". He took some blankets and a pillow and made himself a bed on the floor. Everyone was so tired, I think we all fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.
Today, we have been finishing up a few things and are starting to pull out the Christmas decorations. Kevin plans to put up the Christmas tree tonight, along with the garland for the banisters and the giant outdoor wreath. We aren't going to go all out this year since we will be traveling. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It is the time we celebrate Christ's birth. A wonderful time of celebration and life. The end of one year and the beginning of another. A time to look back and be thankful and to look forward and rejoice. During this time of the year we do more as a family. We developed traditions over the years that we enjoy. Kevin makes wonderful fudge and sugar cookies for friends and family. I bake several different breads for friends and family. We all decorate and package the goodies together. We try to have a birthday party for Jesus every year, where the kids can invite friends, decorate cookies, make ornaments, and eat homemade pizza and cake. We have been doing this for about 10 years on and off. Even our older children try to come sometimes. It is a time to be together and enjoy each others company. Sometimes we are so busy it is hard to fit time in for all the activities. As I have gotten older, I have found that family and traditions have become more important. I treasure the memories, I guess because I know how fleeting time and life can be. Several of our children are grown and on their own now. I miss the time when they were younger. I enjoy the memories and I am trying to make sure I don't waste any of the time I've been given. I tend to fail frequently on wasting time, but I am learning and improving.
Well the semester is almost over for me, both school and my job. Jaclyn's semesters ends shortly in the new year as well as Matthew's six weeks. I turned in all of my work for my Assessment of the Population class and have only a presentation to complete on Tuesday. I have one more pharmacology class were we will review several case studies and then a final exam on the 6th. The semester went by faster than I expected. So in about a week I can concentrate completely on all things Christmas. Christ, family, friends, and goodies. Yeah.
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