Strength from the LORD

Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jamestown and Yorktown

We went to Jamestown and Yorktown yesterday.  I was amazed at the amount of history that has taken place in these two towns and Virginia itself.  We visited  Jamestown, which was the first permanent settlement of the Colonies.  The site is beautiful, it is almost surrounded by water and the land is full of trees and meadows.  So much of our nations history has taken place in this area.  I felt privileged to see where our country fought and eventually gained its freedom from the English.  Jamestown was the beginning of the Colonies and Yorktown was were it ended for the British.  Virginia's original capitol was Jamestown and it was later moved to Williamsburg.  At Williamsburg, in 1776, representatives from around the colony of Virginia came to determine a new constitution and Bill of rights for the colony of Virginia.  The document that Virginia adopted is very similar to the documents that became the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.  We went to the national park at Yorktown, were we saw the Battle Field where the British were defeated.  The original trenches that the British dug, still remain and are now covered in grass and natural fauna.  From the battlefields you can see the York River, which was pivotal to the American forces and the British desired to control.  If the British had managed to gain control of Yorktown and the York River, our history could have been very different.  Both sites were amazing.  At Jamestown National Park we were able to see an original glass house and how they "blow" glass.  There was a demonstration and all who work there are in period costumes.  We ended the day on one of the beaches of the James River, where Jaclyn wrote her name in the sand and the boys tried to throw pine cones into the water.  I was able to take several amazing pictures of the sunset on the water.  I was also able to take several fun family photos.  After all of the days excitement and coldddd weather we went home for hot cocoa and rest.  I had two very tired boys and one very tired momma.  No arguments regarding bedtime.  So far we have not had any snow or icy weather, but it has been cold.  Well another busy day is coming to an end and I am definitely ready for some rest.  It all starts again bright and early in the morning:)   

Monday, December 20, 2010

Williamsburg, Virginia

Wow!  We finally made it to our destination.  The scenery has been beautiful on the drive.  We arrived Sunday afternoon and unloaded our stuff at the resort and then went to pick our oldest son, Kevin Jr., up from a nearby cafe.  We are staying at the Wyndham Kngsgate Resort.  It is beautiful.  The weather has been cold, but no snow or ice to cause any problems.  We will spend Christmas here and head back to Grandma's the day after.  We are going to see some of the historical sites and locations this week.  Today we grocery shopped and are going to a local Christmas store.  We haven't planned tomorrow yet.  There is so much to see and do!  The boys want snow and keep asking us to take them to the snow......  So far it doesn't look like there will be any while we are here, but who knows.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

On the Road Again

We have been traveling for the last two days.  We started out at 5am Friday and made it to Grandma's by 8pm.  The boys started with "are we there yet" about 30 minutes into the drive.  They kept asking "what state are we in" about every 10 minutes for the first 8 hours of the drive to Grandma's.  Finally they either fell asleep or decided to watch a movie.  Finally we made to Grandma's and both the boys and the rest of us were happy.  My aunt and uncle where there to greet us as well, so we had a chance to visit with them as well.  My brother, sister-in-law, nieces and nephews, along with my aunt and uncle, came for breakfast today.  We visited for most of the morning and let the kids play with each other.  We had a nice time of fellowship and exchanged cards.  We left my mom's about noon, grandma is with us, and headed to Williamsburg, Virgina.  We decided we would make the drive in two days instead of one, so we have stopped in Charlotte, North Carolina for the night.  I counted, on this trip we will travel through 8 states.  We were all counting in the van how many many states we have been in over the course of our lives.  So far I have visited 18 of our 50 awesome states.  We decided to drive "Big Red" for this vacation, she seats 8 comfortably and with Kevin Jr meeting us in Williamsburg, we will have 7 people.  "Big Red" is a 10 yr old Astro Chevy and I just love her.  She drives great and gets better gas mileage than our caravan.  She is an awesome vehicle and the best of course is she is paid for.  So far "Big Red" has made it through 3 teenage drivers and will have another teen driving her soon.  She has made numerous "vacation" drives and helped several of our children move their belongings.  This vacation she will rack up 8 states and about 3500 miles:)  Our family is looking forward to this time off and visiting such a historical and interesting place.  My grandmother and step-aunt are going to meet with us for a short visit as well.  My grandmother is about 93 or 94, and she gets around great.  We haven't seen her for about 3 years, so we are looking forward to seeing her.  Well, it is getting late.  Off to bed for an early morning.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Off for some fun

This past week and this week have flown by.  We are going to be visiting with family and friends starting tomorrow so I probably won't have too much time to blog.  I did complete some projects on my list and feel pretty good.  I was able to clean out most rooms and had a garage sale.  Did pretty well.  Everything that didn't sell was donated to Goodwill.  I took some of my baby items to the Battered Womens' Shelter this week as well.  I finished lining the kitchen drawers.  I still have some organizing and lining of the cabinets, but the drawers are complete.  I was able to cover the bar stools, protect them from the boys and I baked plenty of banana, zucchini, and cinnamon bread.  I feel like I have accomplished a lot.  Right now I am trying to tie up all the loose ends before the visiting starts.  Laundry and making bed and cleaning bathrooms are the priority now.   I figure what does get completed is okay.  We will have a good time anyway and all the other "things" can be completed when  possible.  Gotta go, laundry is calling.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


    Wow, this week has flown by.  Finished up with my final class Monday and went straight into organization mode.  At work this week we have been organizing the supply rooms and taking inventory.  Doing this motivated me to continue to organize the house.  Every evening this week, Kevin, myself and the children have worked on cleaning, organizing, and finishing projects around the house.  Christian and several of his friends (Matt and Brad), have been helping us as well.  They helped Kevin hang some of the house lights.  Christian has been helping with the yard and pool as well this week.  We should have the pool ready to cover for winter, by this weekend:)
      I am having a garage sale this Friday and Saturday.  We have been going through closets, cabinets and storage boxes.  I am going to try and sell whatever we have not been using for the last six months to a year.  What doesn't sell will be donated.  I have several items I want to donate to the battered women's shelter and childrens' homes.  Unfortunately both shelters have seen about 100% increase in need for services.  Through research and talking with the organizers, when the economy is down, there is more violence in the homes.  Financial stressors are one of the biggest reasons for divorce, unfortunately it makes sense that there would be an increase in stress in the home and increase in violence.  My prayers are with these individuals and their families. 
     Kevin and I are going to start on the baking tonight.  Christmas cookies, fudge, breads, and other sweet treats.  I plan to bake, but not indulge.  So far I have lost 24lbs and kept it off.  I cut my calories back to about 1500 a day and have pretty much cut out sugar.  My doctor had a talk with me in September and informed me my Hgb A1-C was too high.  That means my blood sugars are high and my pancreas is having to work to hard.  I am not an insulin diabetic, by I am bordering on non-insulin diabetes.  I had not been motivated to change prior to this and this was a wake up call.  I feel so much better with the change in diet and the weight loss.  Kevin has lost about 40lbs and has been running several days a week.  He ran in the Rock-n-Roll Marathon here in San Antonio in November.  He ran it in 5 hours and 11 minutes.  He only walked for about 1/2 mile.  I am really proud of him.  He has lost so much weight that his wedding rings falls off (gonna get it fitted:))
      Finished my Christmas shopping and have most of it wrapped.  What a relief, I really don't enjoy wrapping.  This Christmas season has been so much more enjoyable than last years.  I felt totally stressed last year, this year it has been smooth.  I have been playing my Christmas music as much as possible, I love all the Christmas hymns.  Silent Night and Joy to the World are my favorites.  I have been practicing both on the piano, maybe I will be ready by Christmas;). 

Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm Finished!!!!!

      Yeah, I am finished for the semester!!!!  I completed my last final today.  I do not start school again until the week of January 10th.  I have a whole month off and I plan to enjoy every minute of it.  I feel like a weight has been lifted.  When I am in school, I feel like I live from one assignment deadline to another.  It feels really good when you don't have anything due.  Tonight I want to finish decorating the tree.  The boys have been putting ornaments on and taking them off, so tonight we will put out a few more ornaments and then hide the rest.  Tomorrow, Christian is going to come over and help his dad with some of the outside lights.  Christian has been helping us around the house with different things and we in return either feed him or let him wash his laundry here.  He is a good kid and I really appreciate his help. 
      I feel kind of weird without anything looming over my head.  During semesters I feel guilty if I am not on the computer doing something.  I wonder what I will do when I am finally finished with my advance practice nurse degree?  I really don't want to be in school the rest of my life.  I have a friend who finished this past May and she is doing well.  She seems to be enjoying her job and role as an advance practice nurse.  I did not get the impression she was missing school:)
      Well, Jaclyn and I have been working on cleaning up and down sizing.  So far we have gone through the boys rooms, the formal living room, her room and some of the kitchen.  We are going to have a garage sale this weekend, so we have to finish the kitchen and game room.  Anything that doesn't sell is going to be donated to Goodwill.  Jaclyn and I are tired of cleaning all of the stuff.  If we aren't cleaning stuff, we are picking up behind the boys.  We had to throw out several games, due to the little gremlins.  At our house, someone, no one, or I didn't, are the ones who break, misplace, or lose stuff.  I have never been able to find out who these people are and how they get into my house, but the boys swear they exist:) 
      Looking forward to a New Year.  This year has been good, and I have been so blessed. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


      Gossip.  This has been on my mind for several months now.  It has come to a boil for me now and I am going to vent.  I am and have been guilty of gossiping, probably most people are.  I have been trying to make a conscience effort to not gossip and to choose my words carefully.  I don't always succeed, but I do try.  For many of us, work is a hot bed of gossip and where I have worked and currently work is no different.  My previous job, the gossip was pretty vicious and hurtful, it seemed like we all stabbed each other in the back.  Over the years, I became more aware of what I was doing and started to watch myself.  I did and still do fail.  Since I have started my new job, I have heard all types of rumors and gossip; I am not surprised, just aggravated that people take conversations out of context.  I really like my job; I enjoy working with the students.  When I graduate I will have a minor in teaching, as well as my advanced practice nurse in family mental health.  I did this for two reasons, I love working in mental health and I want to make a difference in the nursing profession as an instructor.  Once I finish school, I haven't really decided what I want to do.  I know I want to work in mental health and I want to teach.  When I am asked what I am going to do, I answer with "I haven't decided yet", which is the truth.  This week someone went to a co-worker and alluded that I was going to leave as soon as I graduate.  They went on to say that I was talking about doctors I wanted to work with and so on.  Well, I have talked about doctors I want to work with.  I will have to work as a nurse practitioner to maintain my certification and license as an advanced practice nurse.  There are some doctors that I respect and really want to work with and in the course of conversations I have said that.  But!!! that did not mean I was planning on quiting or anything else.  Just conversation and a desire to work with who I consider the best.  So often we repeat only part of the conversation and that is the part that becomes distorted and repeated.  So frustrating!!!!!!  Well enough about that.  I hope I set the record straight.  I guess I will have to have scripts to read when talking to others, so that I don't say anything that can be misconstrued. 
      This week flew by.  I'm not sure where the time went.  I have one test left on Monday and the semester is finished for me.  So much to do, I am going to enjoy myself and if some things don't get completed, life will go on.  We have steadily been working on Christmas decorating.  The lights are beautiful as well as the tree and garland.  Things look like Christmas, but the weather feels like spring.  I want it to cool down some more.  I guess that is one of the draw backs of living in south Texas.  I am okay with out snow, but I do enjoy the crisp temperatures (not enough in south Texas).  Going to do a little studying then off to bed.  Good night. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

End of the Semester is in sight

      Yeah!!!!  I finished one class and only have one to go.  Yesterday was my last Assessment of the Population class.  We had our final class presentations and course evaluations.  Our instructors were so kind, they brought snacks for the whole class.  Now, I just have pharmacology to finish.  Tomorrow is our last class and we have our final on Monday.  Then I am free for several weeks.  I can't wait because that means I can start baking.  I have most of the presents wrapped and only need to do a few things to get ready for Christmas. 
     Kevin and I were talking about Christmas and exchanging gifts.  I told him about how I over heard a little girl, about 7 or 8, telling her teacher about how on her birthdays she asks her guests not to bring her presents but to bring things for other needy children.  I asked Kevin about doing that with our children and their birthdays and he thought is was a good idea too.  We both decided for Christmas that, if our family or friends want to exchange gifts that we ask them to consider doing this instead.  We both feel that we have what we need and there are others who aren't as fortunate.  I am excited about this!!
      With the end of the semester, I can read again.  During school, I feel like I should only be reading my school books so I tend to neglect my leisure reading.  Not now, I can pull out my books and get started.  I have a couple of mysteries that I can't wait to tackle.  I found a book on Abraham Lincoln and his presidential Cabinet that I want to get started on as well.  I think it is called a "Team of Rivals".  So much to do and so little time.  It seems like the weeks I have off between semesters is over in 48 hours.  I look forward to my graduation date, so I can relax and not have to worry about semesters and deadlines. 
      Off to do a little studying and then dust off those books:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

      It is beginning to look like Christmas around the house.  Kevin was able to get the tree up last night and our wreaths outside.  Today Kevin started hanging the garland along the banisters and he will probably finish tomorrow evening.  We will begin to decorate the tree tomorrow as well.  We have some awesome looking ornaments to put out this year.  The boys are into everything; plugging and unplugging lights and moving everything not nailed down.  They have been bring empty boxes and other items to place under the tree so there are "presents".  They are full of excitement.  Not sure they will make it to Christmas, they might burst before then.  Later this week we will start baking and making fudge.  We have already hidden all of the frosting and marshmallow cream so the boys don't eat it all.  They are pretty ingenious in finding things or getting into locked storage.  Our house feels like Ft Knox sometimes.  We have had to place multiple locks on all the exterior doors and some interior ones.  After Zach ate 45 children's Tylenol ( he managed to get off of a top shelf in a cabinet) and we spent 4 days in the hospital, everything is in a safe.  It is a pain in the rear if you are sick and need medication, you have to know the combination or you are out of luck.  So hopefully they won't find our stash. 
     I finished all of my paperwork for the Assessment of Population class and I am ready for tomorrow's presentation.  Only pharmacology remains, and I will be finished by Monday with everything:)  I am beginning to feel more relaxed.  This is going to be a great Christmas.   

Sunday, November 28, 2010


      We made it to church last night.  It was a refreshing time.  Our pastor is working on a series in 1st and 2nd Peter.  After church we took Jaclyn and the boys to Fiesta Texas like we promised.  We had fun, but I still don't have feeling in my nose or cheeks:)  It was rather cold and we had not dressed warm enough, at least I didn't feel dressed warm enough.  Matthew and Zach rode on almost all of the Wiggle Town rides.  They got to meet Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.  Jaclyn and I decided to try our luck on the Scream.  I had ridden it several years ago, I quickly remembered why it is called the Scream.  After we got off of the ride, we asked ourselves what we had felt we needed to prove-couldn't think of a thing between the two of us.  It was nice to spend time as a family though.  We did have hot coco in an effort to warm up, but most of our bodies were still cold.  As we were leaving the park, Zach became upset over the fact that we had not stopped and bought him a "light saver" otherwise known as a light saber.  He proceeded to cry for about 20 minutes.  Kevin was feeling frustrated at this point.  I reminded him that this was a boy without a nap.  Both of the boys feel asleep about 5 minutes from home-good and bad.  Good they had stopped crying, bad they would wake up and cry again. 
      Matthew woke up peaceful and went sleepily into the house, Zach woke up screaming that his neck hurt.  I carried him into our bed and laid him down.  He kicked his shoes off and pulled our covers over his head.  I retrieved some children's Tylenol and rubbed his neck until he was calm.  Matthew had gotten into his pajamas and had been kind enough to bring Zach some.  I changed him and he slid back under the covers.  Jaclyn tried to get him to go upstairs with her and go to bed without any luck.  "NO!  I stay in mom's room".  He took some blankets and a pillow and made himself a bed on the floor.  Everyone was so tired, I think we all fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. 
      Today, we have been finishing up a few things and are starting to pull out the Christmas decorations.  Kevin plans to put up the Christmas tree tonight, along with the garland for the banisters and the giant outdoor wreath.  We aren't going to go all out this year since we will be traveling.  Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  It is the time we celebrate Christ's birth.  A wonderful time of celebration and life.  The end of one year and the beginning of another.  A time to look back and be thankful and to look forward and rejoice.  During this time of the year we do more as a family.  We developed traditions over the years that we enjoy.  Kevin makes wonderful fudge and sugar cookies for friends and family.  I bake several different breads for friends and family.  We all decorate and package the goodies together.  We try to have a birthday party for Jesus every year, where the kids can invite friends, decorate cookies, make ornaments, and eat homemade pizza and cake.  We have been doing this for about 10 years on and off.  Even our older children try to come sometimes.  It is a time to be together and enjoy each others company.  Sometimes we are so busy it is hard to fit time in for all the activities.  As I have gotten older, I have found that family and traditions have become more important.  I treasure the memories, I guess because I know how fleeting time and life can be.  Several of our children are grown and on their own now.  I miss the time when they were younger.  I enjoy the memories and I am trying to make sure I don't waste any of the time I've been given.  I tend to fail frequently on wasting time, but I am learning and improving. 
      Well the semester is almost over for me, both school and my job.  Jaclyn's semesters ends shortly in the new year as well as Matthew's six weeks.  I turned in all of my work for my Assessment of the Population class and have only a presentation to complete on Tuesday.  I have one more pharmacology class were we will review several case studies and then a final exam on the 6th.  The semester went by faster than I expected.  So in about a week I can concentrate completely on all things Christmas.  Christ, family, friends, and goodies.  Yeah.       

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and Birthdays

      This week has been a busy and full week.  Since this week is about Thanksgiving, I want to share some thoughts.  Every year, I have a list of "things" I would like to accomplish and this year has not been any different.  Well. I can't say different, but I did have a list I wanted to accomplish.  What is different about this year, is that I am learning I don't have to finish the list.  I am basically an over-achiever or type A personality (to the extreme, Kevin would say).  I have struggled with perfection for many years and I haven't won.  This year, I feel that I am finally learning, it's okay not to be perfect.  This year I am thankful that God is teaching me this lesson.  I am not perfect and can never be perfect; God loves me in spite of my imperfections.  He is working a perfect work in me.  I am truly blessed.  I am able to worship my God without fear of persecution, I am able to openly share my faith through freedom of speech.  I am thankful for my wonderful husband (I need to tell him more often) and my children.  I am thankful for my job and the fact that I enjoy it so much.  I am thankful for the home I live in and the "things" that make my life comfortable.  God has blessed me with so much.  Every dream and desire that I have had, He has eventually given me.  So much more than I deserve!!!  Thank you God for all you have blessed me with, thank you for sending your Son to take my place.  I wish that I remembered all of my blessings, when I start to complain or feel that I "need" something.  This year I looked around and decided I needed to share my blessings.  There are some items that are precious to me and I decided I wanted to share them.  I am also looking outside of my home and comfort zone.  I feel I need to share my time and myself as well.  I am praying I find where I need to spend my time, there are many places that need help and I want to be where I can be of the most help.
      Back to the list.  Every year on my list is organize the house.  This is probably not possible, but I try to anyway.  There were repairs to the house on there (always some every year) and down-sizing what we could.  I have organized most of the rooms:)  They are not perfect, but things are straight and additional "things" removed where possible.  I will not finish this year, but might next (ha ha).  I have been sending some of blessings to friends and family as well.  I am going to donate some items to places that have a real need and of course give some to Goodwill.  The home repairs that really needed to be completed are and a few extra were thrown in (able to mark them off of my list).  Finally, I am to the downsizing of things.  I thought this would be painful, but it really has not.  I enjoy what I have and like all the "things" in life that make it easier, but I am okay without all of them.  It honestly took years to get to this point.  I used to feel that "things or stuff" would make me happy, but they really don't.  Happiness can't be bought.  You have to work at it, just like marriage and friendships.  It isn't always a feeling either, it is a state of mind.  Wish I had known some of this when I was younger, would have saved myself a lot of discomfort.  God is so gracious, He makes the learning bearable. 
      Today is my best friend, Rosa's, BIRTHDAY.  She is turning 21 again (she has been 21 for several years now).  We were going to take her to Fiesta Texas, and we actually drove there only to find out it does not open UNTIL 4pm!!!  Blew that.  So we took her out to lunch and gave her several tickets so she and Summer (her daughter) can go and have fun.  I don't get to spend enough time with her, since we are both in school, so it was fun to just sit and visit.  She is another blessing in my life. 
      Well, we are going to church this evening as family; Kevin often has to work on Sundays, so we don't get to go together often.  After church we are going to stop by Fiesta Texas for a while and then home to bed.  Tomorrow we will finish some chores, start wrapping presents, and I have to study for a final exam in Pharmacology.  Almost through with the semester-yeah:)  God Bless.   

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

What a day.  Jaclyn, Matthew, Zachary and I headed out about 7 am this morning to do a "little" shopping.  I only needed a few Christmas gifts and thought I'd try my luck today.  I was able to get all the sales I wanted, except the 10 dollar turning waffle iron.  Oh well, although I would like to have gotten one for 10, I already have one and a second would just be a plus.  Since there are 8 of us, we tend to have 2 of everything, so that we can cook and clean in a timely manner.  We did find some items that we had not been looking for, but were items we could use and the price was too good to pass up.  Jaclyn and I had fun, the boys did not.  We went to Walmart first and found Kevin Sr's requested Christmas gifts, a flash drive for Jaclyn and several sets of pajamas for the boys.  After Walmart, we headed off to Santikos; they were offering $100 gift cards for $20.  We arrived at 8:02 am (they started at 8) and they were already sold out.  We then went to JC Penney's, this is one of my favorite stores, and found several bargains.  We need a new mixer and I was able to get one at reasonable price.  I have been looking for a wool jacket, Penney's had several different styles on sale for 49.88.  I found one I liked and my winter wardrobe is complete.  We are planning to go to Virginia for the holidays and Matthew needed a heavy winter coat, found one for under $15:)  We headed to the check out with our finds.  We had found everything we needed (I thought) and were headed out the door in under an hour.  Jaclyn and I loaded all the goodies into the van, got the boys buckled and Jaclyn says "I really like that wool coat you got mom" (hint, hint).  So I ask, does your jacket from last year still fit?  "No, mom, I need a new one".  So I ask "Do you want a wool one?"  "Yes, I would really like a black one, mom".  So back into Penney's we head.  Zachary starts crying and begs not to have to go back in.  "please just weave me in the ban!!!!"  I carry a crying Zachary back into the store:(  We found one she liked and that fit her and head to the catalog registers; one the way we pass the Wii towers and grab one.  I did have 2 gifts that I needed to find at this point.  We headed over to Bed, Bath & Beyond for one of them, I found the desired item and was able to save an additional 20% off to boot!  We stopped by to see Kevin Sr and visit for awhile.  Kevin had to work, and so he was not able to join in our adventure.  The boys managed to weasel snacks and coffee out of him; they recharged.  Target was last on my list,  or at least that was my thought.  I found the boy's transformers and a present for my nephew Ean.  I also picked up the gifts from Grandma for the boys.  It was now around 1215.  I decided we deserved some food for all of our efforts.  We went to IHOP.  Kevin was able to get off early (the doctor discharged all the patients and the evening nurse came in early-yeah!!), so he joined us for lunch.  After filling our stomachs we headed home, so the boys could take a break (nap).  Zach protested loudly and fell asleep quickly with his legs crossed and his hands under his chin.  Matthew protested, but was much more willing to rest.  While they were resting, Kevin and I headed out to find some garland for the banisters.  We made several other stops, bought an anniversary gift, bday gift, and dog food (dog snacks too).  Finally made it back home and decided to clean the garage and make sure all the faucets were covered.  It's suppose to freeze tonight.  Busy day to say the least, but I did have fun.  I really enjoy spending time with Jaclyn.  She will be sixteen in January.  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  She will be gone before I know it.  She has been a blessing.  She is a big help around the house and with the boys.  I really don't know what I would do without her!!  She just helped me wrap a gift for a friend's daughter for Christmas and helped me get everyone to sign bday cards for Rosa and Ean.  My best friends bday is tomorrow.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSA!!!  I love you.  I am so glad God brought you into my life.  You have blessed me and my family.  May your birthday be blessed and joyous.  Well I am tired and going to head off for my last destination of the day-to bed!  Good night and God bless.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time off

I work as a simulation instruction in nursing at San Antonio College.  My simulation clinicals start at 0630 and I am up by at least 0515 on Mondays and Tuesdays.  The day starts early, but I truly enjoy what I am doing.  The students I get to work with have been pretty wonderful and kind.  This is my first semester teaching and the students have been patient with me.  This week of course is Thanksgiving week, the nursing students at SAC do not have the week off, so I do not have the week off.  I am thankful, though, that I only have to work Monday and Tuesday this week.  I finished with simulation at noon and we just finished checking off several students on nasogastric tube insertion.  The instructor I am working with this flex (SAC nursing goes in 8 weeks flex semesters) is Mrs. Church.  I was a little leary at first, Mrs Church did not appear thrilled with simulation when we first met, but I must say I have really enjoyed working with her.  She has a wealth of knowledge and is a great person to learn from.  I honestly look forward to working with her in the future.  Since I am through for the day I plan to go home and take Jaclyn to a friends to work on a school project for a while and do something with the boys.  Kevin has an appointment this afternoon and won't be home until after 4, so it is the boys and I!  They are always full of energy, I need lots of caffeine to keep up with them.  I should sleep well this evening (hopefully they will too).   

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pharmacology Quiz

That is how I feel after quiz 3.  I read through the chapters and took all the self assessments and I only made a 72.  That is so frustrating.  I guess it could have been worse, but I am disappointed all the same.  I have one more quiz in pharmacology and the semester is over.  It seems like I have been going to school forever.  Not really, I began school in my mid 20's, around 1992 and completed my Associate's degree in nursing in 1994.  I took a long break, didn't really feel like going for my BSN.  After about 10 years, I decided that I really should complete my BSN.  I started working on my pre-reqs for the BSN in 2004, several classes at a time.  Kevin and I started the BSN program at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA as they like to be called) in January of 2008 and I graduated in December of 2008.  I began the nurse practitioner program in January of 2009 on a part-time basis.  At times it feels like it is never going to end.  I have not felt as motivated this semester as I have in the past.  I have only my health assessment class to complete in the spring and then I begin the nurse practitioner part of the program.  If all goes well I should graduate in May of 2012.  That seems far away, but at the same close.  I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train.  Honestly this semester has flown by.  I started out feeling overwhelmed, but the semester went better than I expected.  School was actually the least of my worries at times.  We have had to have some renovations to our home, and that was painful.  We did not have a living room for over a month and did not have a TV for over week.  That wasn't so bad for me, but the boys were upset that they couldn't watch Disney or play Wii.  While they were working on the kitchen, we had to eat out (this was not as much fun as we thought it would be).  Now the outside of the house is having a face lift.  We had all of the wood removed and replaced with vinyl siding.  They are almost finished and it is looking great.  The kitchen and family room look wonderful.  It is like having a new house in a way.  Most of the repairs were necessary, but we did make a few just for us.  We were able to invite friends over this past week and enjoy company after several months of chaos.  I am very thankful that all of the repairs and renovations will be completed before the holidays.  It will be nice to have things in order and be able to relax (if one can really relax during the holidays).  I believe I have already gotten my Christmas presents and what wonderful presents they were.  I feel truly blessed.        

November 22, 2010

I finally did it.  I created my own blog.  Hopefully I can share some wonderful memories.